Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Class Act - The Next Don

During the class of November 30th, we watched a section of “The Godfather”.  Throughout the part, there were certain scenes which lead me to think that Michael Corleone will become the next Don of the family.  Since Vito Corleone has been injured, Mike has played a larger role in the family, especially when he went to go visit Vito at the hospital.  Michael has also had a large presence in the Corleone household which is shown through the unique use of camera angles. 

There have been many signs that have lead me to believe that Michael will be the next Don.  For example, when Michael goes into Vito’s hospital room the camera pans into the door frame very slowly.  The camera focuses on the door and the number two.  I think Coppola wanted the viewers to look at the number and the door.  The number two could symbolize that Michael is the second Don and that he will be his father successor.   Coppola also panned into the door frame.  I believe that this symbolized a new beginning for Mike; when he stepped into the room he stepped into a new part of his life. 

The shot of the hospital room door was about sixteen seconds long and therefore I think its safe to say it was definitely purposeful.  Not only did the camera angles throughout the scene back-up the idea of Michael becoming the next Don, but so did the dialogue.  When Michael went to talk to his father he said “Just lie here, Pop. I'll take care of you now. I'm with you now. I'm with you...” (Coppola).  This line can mean that Michael is physically present with Vito, but I think it means that he has reunited with his family.  I think Mike means that he is now part of his family business (the mafia) and will be an active member.  Vito was very happy to see his son and also to hear that his son was going to join his team.  Vito did not say anything, but he shed a tear, and I think it was was a tear of joy. 

Without dialogue Coppola has conveyed the message that Michael may be the next Don of the Corleone family.  When the men are in the Don’s office deciding what action to take the camera angle pans into all three men; Sonny, Tom and Michael.  Coppola first pans into Sonny who is sitting in the Don’s chair.  During the beginning of the movie, Vito was sitting in the exact same seat and the camera angle was in a similar position except now there was no light surrounding Sonny; there was no halo.  Sonny’s face is also in a shadow.  The camera then focuses on Mike and Tom, whos faces are illuminated by the window.  There is a stream of light entering the room through the window right between the two men.  This brought the idea that these two men may end up fighting against each other for the position of the Don.  

Tom and Michael may fight for the position, but the next shot lead me to think that Michael will be Vito’s successor.  Coppola strategically panned into Michael who was calmly talking about what action to take.  Mike sat in the chair similarly to how Vito did in the first scene.  His tone of voice was very relaxed and he had a long monologue, similar to Vito when talking to Bonasera.  The camera angle panned into Mike showing how he has a sense of authority and how he is very powerful. 

Coppola empowered Michael in many ways throughout this part which has lead me to think that he will be the next Don of the Corleone family.  The camera angles and symbols, such as the door and light, illuminate the idea that Michael can be Vito’s successor.  Not only has Michael gained a lot of respect from his family since he has been home, but his actions also hint to the fact that he does want to become the next Don.  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Literary Feature Hunt - Characterization of Don Corleone

Throughout the first scene of “The Godfather”, many characters are introduced.  The most important character is the Don Corleone.  He was characterized as a powerful, calm and kind man.  The way other characters acted and presented themselves to the Don helped distinguish the Don’s character.  Aswell, the Don’s actions and appearance also contributed to his characterization throughout the first scene. 

As the scene continued, the viewers were able to capture a better sense of the Don’ character, especially by the the way others act around him.  In the first scene, the Don was characterized as a powerful man. This is shown throughout the conversation he had with Bonasera.  The Don was able to receive what he wanted by manipulating his power and control.  Bonasera also got what he wanted, but he had to flatter the Don and give him a kiss to show his respect. The Don wanted to rekindle his friendship with Bonasera, and by using his power, he achieved his goal. Besides Bonasera, there were other men who came to talk with the Don. Luca Brasi came just to thank the Don for inviting him and to compliment him on his home.  Luca Brasi into the Don’s office he was preparing a speech to say to him. The way Luca Brasi conducted himself in front of the Don and how he practiced his speech but was still nervous in front of the Don demonstrated the power the Don has over others and how others try really hard to impress him. 

The actions of others lead to the characterization of the Don, as did his actions.  The Don has been characterized as a very calm person.  During the first scene, the Don was sitting in his chair playing with his cat while Bonesera explained the terrible story about his daughter. It was a very serious and emotional story, but the Don did not show any emotions throughout it.  He was very composed and put-together throughout the meeting.  He showed that by leaning back in his chair, playing with his cat and having no facial expressions. The Don was also very calm when he told the photographer that he would not take the photo without Michael, his son who had not arrived at the party yet. This action of postposing the family picture shows that the Don is caring and considerate towards family.  His family is important to him, especially his son. 

The Don has been characterized through his appearance.  The clothes that the Don is wearing indicate that he is part of the wedding party. Since he is the father of the bride, he is wearing a black tuxedo with a red rose.  Most of the other men are only wearing a suite and tie, and the rest of the bridal party is wearing a white rose. The outfit he is wearing is very sophisticated and formal, and also differentiates him from the others. In the beginning scene, the Don was distinguished from the other men in the room.  The angle in which the audience views the Don contributes to his character.  The Don was in his dark office talking to Bonesera and behind him was a window where light was shinning through.  The window formed a halo around the Don’s head.  The appearance of the Don with halo around his head leads to the idea that he is a good man.  Halos generally represent angles and god, and in this case the Don is the godfather. 

The Don has many characteristic shown throughout the first scene. The actions others made around him, helped the viewer to understand what kind of person the Don is. The way the Don conducted him self and acted also contributed to his character, as did the appearance.  The physical appearance and the way in which the audience saw the Don lead the the characterization of him.  The way in which the audience perceived the Don was very important since he is a main character, and therefore he was characterized in many ways. 

Literary Feature Hunt - Symbols of Dark and Light

Throughout the second part of The Godfather, the theme of the Mafia having two different lives was symbolically represented by the light and darkness of certain shots. Light has a positive connotation: it can represent happiness, heaven, and goodness. Darkness symbolizes the opposite: sadness, death, and evilness.

 There were many scenes during Tom Haggen’s trip to California where the theme of the Mafia having a double life was illuminated by the use of symbolism. When Tom Haggen first arrived at the film studio, he pulled Jack Woltz aside to have a private conversation with him. The lighting dimmed to emphasize the seriousness and the danger of the Mafia business. After the conversation, Tom walked outside into the lightness and Woltz remained inside the dark studio. The lightness outside which Tom walked into could represent the freedom the Mafia has when its not dealing under the surface.

 The Mafia does have much action going on behind the scenes that others do not know about. For example, when Woltz took Tom into the stable to show him his prize house, it was dark. The darkness could symbolize the evil event which Tom was planning, where the house would be killed. After the conversation the men had in the barn, they walked outside into the lightness and it was almost as it the Mafia thoughts Tom had, washed away.

 When Tom came back from his mission, he attended a meeting with the other Mafia members. At this meeting, Virgil Sallazzo was asking Don Corleone to help him with his drug business. The lighting in the room during the conversation was very dark, which could represent the danger and the suspiciousness of the deal being spoken about. This scene represented the other life of the Mafia; the hidden, dangerous and mysterious side that occurs beneath the surface.

 The symbols of dark and light are repeated frequently throughout the film so far. They are used to represent the good and the evil; the hidden business and the public lives of the Mafia. The use of darkness and lights in the film contribute and illuminate the theme of the Mafia living a double life.