Friday, December 9, 2011

The Human Condition - Belonging

Humans have the condition of being wanted, loved, needed, accepted.  All humans want to belong, wether it be in high school clique, in a family, or in the mafia. “The Godfather” explores the human condition of the need for belonging.  Coppola expresses this by the creation of Michaels character and the hero’s journey which he follows through the film. 
All humans want to be loved. Abraham Maslow created a hierarchy of human needs in 1943. The need for love and belonging is located on the third level of the pyramid.  Humans have this need to be accepted and to fit in, and Coppola is using this for the viewers to connect with the characters.  

Michael has the desire to fit in and be part of his family.  His want for his father’s love and respect is what is driving him to be part of the mafia.  The want of acceptance is a key part of his hero’s journey which he is currently exploring.  The human condition is all about what makes humans similar and this need for acceptance and belonging is a need that all humans have.  By using the human condition, Coppola is exploring the idea of human psychological needs.  Coppola is using this human need, the viewers can form a connection with Michael and can also gain a deeper understanding of the story, and of life. 

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful. I like the research and your use of a diagram and how you related it back to Michael Corleone in The Godfather
